At Sajiree Saree,
We truly believe saree is a cherished emblem of trust and respect woven with love.

Withholding this sentiment we launched a store – Sajiree at Vile Parle in the year 2012. Initially, we sold handloom, handwoven, handpicked sarees like Paithani, Maheshwari and other type of exclusive sarees. Thus, we embarked on the journey of bringing the work of traditional weavers to the forefront who awed our customers with their intricate and opulent designs. Today, Sajiree blends tradition and culture with modern contemporary style. Each saree is exclusive, and unique with a diverse price range.
To fulfil the dream of owning exclusive sarees we made them accessible to all by introducing a flexible kitty scheme.
We believe that every woman is beautiful, special and adorable. Sajiree sarees reflects and radiates her inner beauty by blending classic elegance and modern flair. Sajiree is your companion while you express your uniqueness by offering you a hue of designs, patterns and colours.

At Sajiree Saree,
We truly believe saree is a cherished emblem of trust and respect woven with love.

Come celebrate your inner beauty with Sajiree!!

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Our Journey

सुमारे दहा वर्षांपूर्वीची गोष्ट… मला माहित नाही ही पूर्व जन्मीची पुण्याई समजायची की मी खरोखरीच एवढी भाग्यवान आहे. आपण पाहतोय ते स्वप्न की भास तेही निश्चित सांगता येणार नाही. परंतु साक्षात विठू माऊलीने मला दर्शन दिले. ते सावळ, मोहक रूप डोळ्यात साठवून ठेवावं म्हणून विठुरायाला घरी आणायचे ही मी त्याच क्षणी ठरवले. एखादी प्रतिमा, चित्र […]
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